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Weekly IRS Roundup May 13 – May 17, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of May 13, 2024 – May 17, 2024.

May 13, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-20, which includes proposed regulations concerning the excise tax on stock buybacks under § 4501 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). The proposed regulations are generally consistent with the guidance previously provided in Notice 2023-2. The proposed regulations also include guidance on reporting and payment of the Code § 4501 excise tax.

May 14, 2024: The IRS announced that, contrary to recent reports, there will be no changes to Native American tribes’ access to federal tax payment offsets through state arrangements.

May 14, 2024: The IRS reminded US citizens and resident aliens living abroad to file and pay their taxes.

May 14, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers not to fall for inaccurate social media advice and tax scams centered around the Fuel Tax Credit, the Sick and Family Leave Credit and household employment taxes that led taxpayers to file inflated refund claims during the 2023 tax season.

May 14, 2024: The IRS released census tract geographic identifiers that are eligible for Code § 30C using 2015 and 2020 delineations of census tract boundaries, which can be accessed at Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively.

May 15, 2024: The IRS reminded businesses to check their tax returns for signs of incorrect Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims and listed signs that an ERC claim could be incorrect.

May 15, 2024: The IRS released Notice 2024-42, which specifies updated static mortality tables for defined benefit pension plans under Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) provisions for valuation dates occurring during the 2025 calendar year. The notice also includes a modified unisex version of the mortality tables for determining minimum present values under ERISA for distributions with annuity starting dates that occur during stability periods beginning in the 2025 calendar year.

May 15, 2024: The IRS released Revenue Ruling 2024-12, which provides the June 2024 applicable federal rates.

May 15, 2024: The IRS released Notice 2024-40, which provides the 24-month average corporate bond segment rates for May 2024, the yield curve and segment rates for single-employer plans and the 30-year Treasury securities interest rates.

May 16, 2024: The IRS released Notice 2024-41, which modifies Section 3.04 of Notice 2023-38 by revising the contents of the “Applicable Projects” list. The notice also provides a safe harbor under which taxpayers may elect to qualify for the domestic content bonus credit. Learn more here.

May 16, 2024: The IRS extended the deadline to file federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments for certain individuals and businesses in Ohio that [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup April 1 – April 5, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of April 1, 2024 – April 5, 2024.

April 1, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-14, which includes the following:

  • Notice 2024-29, which provides updates on the corporate bond monthly yield curve, the corresponding spot segment rates for February 2024 used under § 417(e)(3)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code), the 24-month average segment rates applicable for March 2024, and the 30-year Treasury rates as reflected by the application of § 430(h)(2)(C)(iv).
  • Revenue Ruling 2024-7, which provides the April 2024 applicable federal rates.
  • Proposed regulations, which provide guidance on the Section 45V production tax credit added by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) and on the election to treat qualified property that is part of a specified clean hydrogen production facility as energy property under Section 48.

April 1, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers to beware of scammers attempting to sell or offer help setting up an online account on Their goal is to get personal tax and financial information that can be used to commit identity theft.

April 2, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers there is still time to file federal income tax returns electronically and request direct deposit before the April 15 deadline.

April 2, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers to beware of promotors who push improper Fuel Tax Credit claims by misleading taxpayers as it relates to fuel use and creating fictitious documents or receipts for fuel.

April 2, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that the credit for other dependents is a $500 nonrefundable credit available to those with dependents who are not eligible for the Child Tax Credit. Taxpayers can claim this credit in addition to the child and dependent care credit and the Earned Income Credit.

April 3, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers affected by the terrorist attacks in Israel that they have until October 7, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns that were originally due March 15 or April 15, make tax payments and perform other time-sensitive tax-related actions.

April 3, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers to avoid offer in compromise (OIC) “mills” that aggressively mislead by raising false expectations and exploiting vulnerable individuals with promises that tax debt can magically disappear. OIC mills are on the IRS’s “Dirty Dozen” list.

April 3, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers who adopted or started the adoption process in 2023 that they may qualify for the adoption credit.

April 4, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers about groups masquerading as charitable organizations to attract donations from unsuspecting contributors and gather sensitive personal and financial information that can be exploited for tax-related identity fraud.

April 4, 2024: The IRS
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Weekly IRS Roundup March 11 – March 15, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of March 11, 2024 – March 15, 2024.

March 11, 2024: In Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-11, the IRS released Announcement 2024-10, which provides that replacement of lead service lines by government entities does not result in income for taxpayers.

March 11, 2024: The IRS highlighted seven suspicious signs that an Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claim is incorrect and urged businesses to seek a trusted tax professional to resolve an incorrect claim while they still can without penalties or interest. Fraudulent ERC claims have been added to the IRS’s “Dirty Dozen” list.

March 12, 2024: The IRS announced the full-scale launch of the Direct File pilot and encouraged eligible taxpayers in  Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Massachusetts, New York and Washington to file their tax returns online for free directly with the IRS using the new service.

March 13, 2024: The IRS announced that, effective April 1, Guy Ficco will become the new IRS Criminal Investigation Chief.

March 13, 2024: The IRS announced that the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries is retroactively extending the temporary waiver of its physical presence requirement for continuing professional education programs and is proposing regulations to eliminate the in-person requirement altogether.

March 13, 2024: The IRS reminded auto dealers and sellers that to submit time-of-sale reports and receive advance payments of the clean vehicle tax credit they must register their business with IRS Energy Credits Online.

March 14, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers who struggle to gather the necessary documents they need to file or pay the taxes they owe to consider several options offered on to avoid late filing and interest penalties. These include, among other things, requesting an extension to file tax returns and requesting a payment plan online.

March 14, 2024: The IRS reminded businesses that file 10 or more information returns that they must e-file Form 8300, Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000, instead of filing a paper return.

March 15, 2024: The IRS reminded businesses to review the ERC guidelines and consider the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program or the claim withdrawal process to avoid penalties and interest. The deadline to apply for the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program is March 2022.

March 15, 2024: The IRS reminded individuals and businesses that it is increasing the amount of information available in multiple languages. Much of the information on the IRS website has now been translated into seven different languages other than English. The IRS website’s Languages page includes an overview of key topics related to information about federal taxes in 21 languages.

March 15, 2024: The IRS released
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Weekly IRS Roundup February 26 – March 1, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 26, 2024 – March 1, 2024.

February 26, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-9, which includes the following:

  • Announcement 2024-11, which shares recent disciplinary sanctions involving lawyers, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries, enrolled retirement plan agents and appraisers.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-12, which extends the time for providing certain seller reports for vehicle sales that qualify for the clean vehicle credit or the previously owned clean vehicle credit under Internal Revenue Code (Code) §§ 30D and 25E, respectfully.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-13, which provides two tables of limitations on depreciation deductions for owners of passenger automobiles placed in service during calendar year 2024 and a table of dollar amounts that must be used to determine income inclusions by passenger automobile lessees with a lease term beginning in calendar year 2024.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-14, which provides indexing adjustments for applicable dollar amounts under Code § 4980H(c)(1) and (b)(1). These indexed amounts are used to calculate the employer shared responsibility payments under § 4980H(a) and (b)(1), respectively.

February 26, 2024: The IRS announced that it will accept supplemental applications from all qualified organizations for Low Income Taxpayer Clinic matching grants from February 26 to April 10.

February 26, 2024: The IRS provided businesses, tax professionals and others who want to learn more about resolving incorrect Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims a free webinar about the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program and other IRS efforts to help taxpayers who may have been misled by aggressive marketing and misinformation around ERC eligibility.

February 27, 2024: The IRS announced that individuals and businesses in parts of California affected by severe storms and flooding that began on January 21, 2024, now have until June 17, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.

February 27, 2024: The IRS announced that two private sector experts with extensive experience in the tax and cryptocurrency industries have been hired as executive advisors to help the agency’s efforts within the digital assets space.

February 27, 2024: The IRS released Notice 2024-26, which provides that withholding agents (both US and foreign persons) are administratively exempt from the requirements to electronically file Forms 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, that are required to be filed in calendar year 2024. Additionally, withholding agents that are foreign persons are administratively exempt from the requirements to electronically file Forms 1042 that are required to be filed in calendar year 2025.

February 28, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that recent improvements to Where’s My Refund? provide more information and remains the best way to check the status of a refund, including information regarding IRS confirmation [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup February 19 – February 23, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 19, 2024 – February 23, 2024.

February 20, 2024: The IRS published Announcement 2024-12, which revokes tax-exempt status for the Chicago Cannabis Alliance and Keeping My Kids Inc.

February 20, 2024: The IRS reminded farmers and fishers who chose to forgo making estimated tax payments by January that they must generally file their 2023 federal income tax return and pay all taxes by March 1, 2024, to avoid estimated tax penalties.

February 20, 2024: The IRS reminded businesses to review their Employee Retention Credit eligibility because there’s limited time to voluntarily resolve incorrect claims and avoid issues, such as penalties and interest.

February 21, 2024: The IRS announced plans to begin dozens of audits on business aircraft involving personal use, focusing specifically on aircraft usage by large corporations, large partnerships and high-income taxpayers.

February 21, 2024: The IRS announced that interest rates for overpayments and underpayments will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2024. Interest rates are provided in Revenue Ruling 2024-6.

February 21, 2024: The IRS reminded military personnel that they have several options to file their federal tax returns for free, including the US Department of Defense’s MilTax and the IRS Free File program.

February 21, 2024: The IRS announced the beginning of its 2024 Tax Time Guide series, which provides new and updated resources to help taxpayers file an accurate tax return.

February 22, 2024: The IRS warned tax professionals about a recurring scheme in which scammers pose as tax software providers and email tax professionals with requests to provide Electronic Filing Identification Number information via fax.

February 22, 2024: The IRS announced that applications for the 2025 Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) are now being accepted to fill vacancies in 29 states and territories. TAP submits recommendations to the IRS to help improve satisfaction with IRS services, products and procedures.

February 23, 2024: The IRS announced that the replacement of lead service lines under various governmental programs do not result in income to the residential property owners under Internal Revenue Code § 61.

February 23, 2024: The IRS issued frequently asked questions related to the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Discrimination Financial Assistance Program, which provides financial assistance to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners who experienced discrimination by the USDA in farm lending prior to 2021.

February 23, 2024: The IRS released its weekly list of written determinations (e.g., Private Letter Rulings, Technical Advice Memorandums and Chief Counsel Advice).

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Weekly IRS Roundup September 11 – September 15, 2023

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of September 11, 2023 – September 15, 2023.

September 11, 2023: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2023-37, which includes the following:

  • Revenue Ruling 2023-16 provides the applicable federal rates for September 2023.
  • Revenue Ruling 2023-17 sets forth the underpayment and overpayment interest rates under Code Section 6621 for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 2023.
  • Revenue Procedure 2023-29 provides the applicable percentage table used to calculate the premium tax credit under Code Section 36B.
  • Notice 2023-62 announces a two-year administrative transition period with respect to the requirement under Code Section 603 that catch-up contributions made on behalf of certain eligible participants be designated as Roth contributions. The notice also requests comments for further guidance with respect to Code Section 603.
  • Announcement 2023-25 and Announcement 2023-26 revoke tax-exempt classification for specified organizations.
  • Announcement 2023-28 corrects citations in Revenue Procedure 2023-27.

September 12, 2023: The IRS released Notice 2023-64, which provides interim guidance on the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT). The notice lists financial statements that meet the definition of an applicable financial statement, provides general rules for determining “financial statement income” and includes guidance on when corporations are subject to the CAMT. Notice 2023-64 supplements and clarifies Notice 2023-07 and Notice 2023-20.

September 12, 2023: The IRS released Revenue Procedure 2023-31, providing guidance on Form 8955-SSA, Annual Registration Statement Identifying Separated Participants With Deferred Vested Benefits, and Form 5500-EZ, Annual Return of A One-Participant (Owners/Partners and Their Spouses) Retirement Plan or A Foreign Plan, which must be filed for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2024. Revenue Procedure 2023-31 supersedes Revenue Procedure 2015-47.

September 12, 2023: The IRS published Tax Tip 2023-110, advising taxpayers to look out for scammers posing as charities and to ensure their donations are going to legitimate charitable organizations.

September 13, 2023: The IRS extended tax relief to individuals and businesses impacted by Hurricane Idalia in 28 counties in Georgia. As a result, affected individuals filing personal income tax returns on extensions expiring October 16, 2023, calendar-year partnerships and S corporations whose extensions expire on October 16, 2023, and calendar-year corporations whose 2022 extensions expire on November 15, 2023, now have until February 15, 2024, to file returns and pay related taxes.

September 14, 2023: The IRS announced an immediate moratorium through at least the end of the year on processing new claims for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). The moratorium is in response to promoters who have aggressively marketed the credit to businesses without regard for their eligibility. Hundreds of criminal cases related to ERC claims are being worked, [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup January 30 – February 3, 2023

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of January 30, 2023 – February 3, 2023.

January 30, 2023: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2023-5, which highlights the following:

  • Announcement 2023-5: This announcement provides notice that there were no articles submitted for this week’s publication.

January 30, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-10, reminding employers and businesses that the due date to file 2022 Form W-2, Form W-3 and Form 1099-NEC is January 31, 2023.

January 31, 2023: The IRS offered a checklist of reminders for people as they navigate tax season and prepare to file their 2022 tax returns. The list includes gathering all tax paperwork, remembering all types of income and choosing a tax professional carefully.

January 31, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-11, urging people to bookmark tools to help reduce the stress of filing season. The Let Us Help You page has information and resources on a wide range of topics for both individual taxpayers and businesses.

February 1, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-12, highlighting IRS Free File for first-time filers. The program provides free tax preparation, free electronic filing and free direct deposit for eligible taxpayers.

February 2, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-13, urging taxpayers to have their tax refund direct deposited. The IRS says that direct deposit is fast, secure, easy and provides options for splitting a refund.

February 2, 2023: The IRS issued proposed regulations, which would rescind the moral objection to the coverage of contraceptive services under the Affordable Care Act. The proposed rules also would establish a new individual contraceptive arrangement that individuals enrolled in plans or coverage provided by objecting entities may use to obtain contraceptive services at no cost directly from a provider or facility that furnishes contraceptive services. Comments should be received by April 3, 2023.

February 3, 2023: The IRS announced that it has released new guidance related to new, previously owned and qualified commercial clean vehicle credits and updated related FAQs in Fact Sheet 2023-4. Notice 2023-16 modifies the definition of certain vehicle classifications for the clean vehicle credits.

February 3, 2023: The IRS released a statement regarding the taxability of state payments made in 2022. The IRS is working with state tax officials to provide additional information and hopes to provide additional clarity by next week. The IRS recommends waiting until additional guidance is available if taxpayers are uncertain about the taxability of their state payments. The IRS does not recommend calling the IRS or amending a previously filed 2022 return.

February 3, 2023: The IRS released a report entitled, IRS Progress Update for Fiscal Year 2022. The publication [...]

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