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Weekly IRS Roundup June 10 – June 14, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of June 10, 2024 – June 14, 2024.

June 10, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-24, which includes the following:

  • Revenue Ruling 2024-11, which provides the interest rates under 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) for tax underpayments and overpayments for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2024. The underpayment and overpayment interest rates will remain the same for the third calendar quarter of 2024.
  • Notice 2024-36, which provides the timeline for the second 2024 allocation round of the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit program under Code 48C(e) and supersedes Appendices A, B and C of Notice 2023-44.
  • Notice 2024-39, which provides the inflation adjustment factor for the carbon oxide sequestration credit under Code § 45Q for taxpayers who make an election under § 45Q(b)(3) for calendar year 2024.
  • Notice 2024-40, which updates the corporate bond weighted average interest rate for plan years beginning May 2024, the 24-month average segment rates, the funding transitional segment rates applicable for May 2024 and the minimum present value transitional rates for April 2024.
  • Notice 2024-41, which provides a new elective safe harbor for taxpayers seeking to qualify their energy projects for the 10% Domestic Content Bonus Credit. The notice also modifies Notice 2023-38 by expanding the list of Applicable Projects to include hydropower and pumped hydropower storage facilities, among other changes.
  • Proposed Regulations, which provide guidance on information reporting requirements for transactions with foreign trusts and the receipt of large foreign gifts under Code § 643(i), 679, 6039F, 6048 and 6677 (the foreign trust and gift provisions). The proposed regulations would also provide that certain loans from a foreign trust and the use of trust property are reportable events.
  • Announcement 2024-22 and Announcement 2024-23, which revoke the Code § 501(c)(3) determination for specified organizations and stipulate that contributions made to said organizations by individual donors are no longer deductible under Code § 170(b)(1)(A).
  • Announcement 2024-24, which notifies taxpayers of the applicable Reference Standard 90.1 required under Code § 179D(c)(2) as part of the definition of energy efficient commercial building property, effective May 17, 2024.

June 10, 2024: The IRS highlighted options for taxpayers who missed the April filing deadline to file their 2023 federal income tax returns and reminded those taxpayers to pay the amounts owed as soon as possible to limit penalties and interest charges.

June 10, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that the second quarter estimated tax payment deadline is June 17, 2024.

June 10, 2024: The IRS advised that most individual and business taxpayers can use the Online Payment Agreement service to set up a payment plan, including an installment agreement, to pay off an [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup July 24 – July 28, 2023

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of July 24, 2023 – July 28, 2023.

July 24, 2023: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2023-30, which includes proposed regulations that specify the methodology for constructing the corporate bond yield curve used to calculate present value under a defined benefit plan. The Internal Revenue Bulletin also highlights the following:

  • Announcement 2023-18 relieves taxpayers from reporting the new stock repurchase excise tax under § 4501.
  • Announcements 2023-19 and 2023-20 revoke the tax-exempt status of certain organizations.
  • Notice 2023-37 modifies prior guidance regarding benefits related to testing and treating COVID-19.
  • Notice 2023-50 announces that the applicable percentage for purposes of determining percentage depletion on marginal properties for 2023 is 15%.
  • Notice 2023-51 publishes the inflation adjustment factor and the reference price for 2023 for the renewable electricity production credit under § 45.
  • T.D. 9976 provides final regulations that facilitate the transition from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) to other interbank offered rates (IBORs).

July 24, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-93, warning businesses and tax-exempt organizations about misleading employee retention credit claims. Scammers and unscrupulous promoters have been running aggressive broadcast advertising, direct mail solicitations and online promotions for the credit, many of which misrepresent and exaggerate who can qualify for the credit.

July 24, 2023: The IRS announced that revenue officers will no longer make unannounced visits to taxpayers’ residences in all but a few narrow circumstances. Instead, they will schedule visits via mailed letters.

July 25, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-94, advising that applicable entities, including tax-exempt and governmental entities that would otherwise be unable to claim certain credits because they do not owe federal income tax, can benefit from some clean energy tax credits. If an entity opts to receive an elective payment, the amount of such credits is treated as a payment of tax, and overpayments will result in a refund.

July 25, 2023: The IRS released Notice 2023-53, which provides guidance on the corporate bond monthly yield curve, spot segment rates used under § 417(e)(3) and the 12-month average segment rates under § 430(h)(2).

July 25, 2023: The IRS published a special summer series discussing the Identity Protection PIN Opt-In Program, which can provide an extra layer of security for taxpayers filing their tax returns.

July 26, 2023: The IRS released Tax Tip 2023-95, reminding taxpayers that IRS Free File remains available until October 16 for those who still need to file a 2022 tax return.

July 26, 2023: The IRS released Revenue Procedure 2023-26, which provides a program for the fast-track processing of private letter ruling requests, replacing the pilot program described in
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Weekly IRS Roundup September 26 – September 30, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of September 26, 2022 – September 30, 2022.

September 26, 2022: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2022-39, which highlights the following:

  • REG-125693-19: These proposed regulations clarify issues that do not meet the definition of a federal tax controversy, exceptions to consideration by the IRS Office of Appeals (IRS Appeals), and procedural and timing requirements that must be met before IRS Appeals will consider an issue. The proposed regulations also provide the requirements a taxpayer must meet to receive the notice described in Internal Revenue Code (Code) Section 7803(e)(5) when the taxpayer requests consideration by IRS Appeals and the request is denied. More coverage of this issue can be found here.
  • Notice 2022-38: This notice publishes the inflation adjustment factor for the carbon oxide sequestration credit under § 45Q for calendar year 2022. This notice also informs taxpayers that 2022 will be the final calendar year for which they may claim a credit under Code Section 45Q(a)(1) and (2) for qualified carbon oxide that is captured by carbon capture equipment originally placed in service at a qualified facility before the date of enactment of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018.

September 26, 2022: The IRS issued Notice 2022-44, providing annual notice of the 2022 to 2023 special per diem rates for taxpayers to use when substantiating the amount of business expenses incurred while traveling away from home. Specifically, the notice addresses (1) the special transportation industry meal and incidental expenses rates, (2) the rate for the incidental expenses only deduction and (3) the rates and list of high-cost localities for purposes of the high-low substantiation method.

September 26, 2022: The IRS released Notice 2022-45, extending the deadline for amending an eligible retirement plan to reflect the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020. Both allow for special tax treatment with respect to a coronavirus-related distribution or a qualified disaster distribution.

September 26, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-147, highlighting five resources people can find on These resources are:

  1. Taxpayer Bill of Rights
  2. How to apply for 501(c)3 status
  3. IRS tax volunteer opportunities
  4. Latest tax scams
  5. Interactive Tax Assistant

September 27, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-148, providing the steps for becoming an IRS-authorized e-file provider.

September 27, 2022: The IRS announced that victims of storms and flooding in Alaska, which started on September 15, now have until February 15, 2023, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. The relief is available to anyone in an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup August 2 – August 6, 2021

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of August 2, 2021 – August 6, 2021. Additionally, for continuing updates on the tax impact of COVID-19, please visit our resource page here.

August 3, 2021: The IRS issued a news release as part of a Security Summit series in partnership with state tax agencies and the tax industry, advising tax professionals on how to guard against—and mitigate—the effects of unemployment compensation fraud.

August 4, 2021: The IRS issued Notice 2021-49 and an accompanying news release, providing guidance on the employee retention credit under Section 3134 of the Code (as enacted by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) and supplementing previously-issued guidance under earlier COVID-related legislation.

August 4, 2021: The IRS issued a news release reminding taxpayers with registered large trucks and buses of the August 31, 2021, deadline to file Form 2290: Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return.

August 5, 2021: The IRS released corrections and correcting amendments to final regulations regarding the election, which were published on January 13, 2020, under Section 1400Z-2 of the Code. The corrections specifically address federal tax benefits with respect to certain equity interests in qualified opportunity funds.

August 5, 2021: The IRS issued Notice 2021-47, announcing the inflation adjustment factor and associated phase-out amount for purposes of determining the enhanced oil recovery credit under Section 43 of the Code.

August 6, 2021: The IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2021-31, providing tables used in determining depreciation deduction limitations and income inclusions with respect to passenger automobiles for Calendar Year 2021 under Section 280F of the Code.

August 6, 2021: The IRS released its weekly list of written determinations (e.g., Private Letter Rulings, Technical Advice Memorandums and Chief Counsel Advice).

Special thanks to Le Chen in our Washington, DC, office for this week’s roundup.

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