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Weekly IRS Roundup April 29 – May 3, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of April 29, 2024 – May 3, 2024.

April 29, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-18, which includes the following:

  • Notice 2024-33, which provides a limited waiver of the addition to tax under Section 6655 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to the extent the addition to tax would be attributable to an underpayment of estimated corporate alternative minimum tax under Section 55 due April 15, 2024.
  • Notice 2024-34, which provides guidance on the corporate bond monthly yield curve, the corresponding spot segment rates used under Section 417(e)(3) of the Code, the 24-month average segment rates under Section 430(h)(2), the interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities under Section 417(e)(3)(A)(ii)(II) as in effect for plan years beginning before 2008, and the 30-year Treasury weighted average rate under Section 431(c)(6)(E)(ii)(I).

April 29, 2024: The IRS issued Notice 2024-36, which provides guidance on the procedures for allocating credits under Section 48C and announces a second round of credits under Section 48C(e) for participation in the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit program.

April 29, 2024: The IRS reminded small businesses to take advantage of the many tax resources available to them through the Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center on

April 30, 2024: The IRS announced that it is accepting applications for Tax Counseling for the Elderly and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance grants, which allows eligible organizations to apply for annual funding to provide free federal tax return preparation assistance for up to three years.

April 30, 2024: The IRS issued Notice 2024-37, which provides additional guidance and safe harbors regarding sustainable aviation fuel credits under Sections 40B and 6426(k) of the Code.

May 1, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers and tax professionals about common scams and schemes, including online account help from third-party scammers, phishing, unscrupulous tax return preparers, offer in compromise mills and employee retention credit scams.

May 1, 2024: The IRS encouraged entrepreneurs to put data security safeguards in place to protect their financial, personal and employee information from scams and cybercriminals.

May 1, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that it provides relief when an emergency measures declaration is issued, supplementing governmental efforts to provide emergency services. The IRS also provides relief when a major disaster declaration offering “individual assistance” is issued, which allows individuals and households to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for financial and direct services.

May 1, 2024: The IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2024-24, which outlines procedures for requesting private letter rulings involving “spin-off” transactions subject to Section 355. Notice 2024-38, issued in conjunction with Revenue Procedure 2024-24, requests feedback on these procedures.

May 1, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers to [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup May 1 – May 7, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of May 1, 2022 – May 7, 2022. Additionally, for continuing updates on the tax impact of COVID-19, please visit our resource page here.

May 2, 2022: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Small Business Week, setting forth various resources to assist entrepreneurs with the tax aspects of starting and running a small business.

May 2, 2022: The IRS issued a news release, announcing the opening of the application period for 2023 grants under the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) program, an IRS program created to assist organizations in providing pro bono representation to low-income and English as a second language (ESL) taxpayers in federal tax disputes.

May 3, 2022: The IRS issued Notice 2022-23, setting forth proposed changes to the procedures regarding qualified intermediary withholding agreements under Treas. Reg. §§ 1.1441-1(e)(5) and (e)(6). The Notice states that the proposed changes, subject to modifications based on comments received, will be finalized in a forthcoming Revenue Procedure and apply to qualified intermediary withholding agreements in effect on or after January 1, 2023.

May 3, 2022: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Small Business Week, urging small business owners to take advantage of the deductions for business-related food and beverage expenses (as expanded for 2022 pursuant to Section 274(n)(2)(D) of the Code), home office expenses and certain other deductions and benefits applicable to small businesses.

May 4, 2022: The IRS issued proposed regulations, providing updates to the rules regarding the use of actuarial tables in valuing annuities, interests for life or a term of years and remainder or reversionary interests under Section 7520 of the Code.

May 4, 2022: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Small Business Week, providing certain resources regarding estimated tax payments and encouraging taxpayers to make estimated tax payments electronically.

May 5, 2022: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Hurricane Preparedness Week and National Wildfire Awareness Month, reminding taxpayers of certain best practices to minimize the effect of natural disasters on tax compliance.

May 5, 2022: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Small Business Week, urging small businesses to take advantage of electronic options to file payroll tax returns and to pay and make deposits of payroll taxes.

May 6, 2022: The IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2022-22 and an accompanying news release, providing simplified procedures for certain residents of Puerto Rico to claim the Child Tax Credit under Section 24 of the Code, as expanded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).

May 6, 2022: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Small Business Week, providing information to [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup May 3 – May 7, 2021

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of May 3, 2021 – May 7, 2021. Additionally, for continuing updates on the tax impact of COVID-19, please visit our resource page here.

May 3, 2021: The IRS issued a news release announcing the opening of the application period for 2022 grants under the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) program, an IRS program to assist organizations in providing pro bono representation to taxpayers who are low income or speak English as a second language (ESL) in federal tax disputes.

May 4, 2021: The IRS issued a news release as part of National Hurricane Preparedness Week and National Wildfire Awareness Month, reminding taxpayers of certain best practices to minimize the effect of natural disasters on tax compliance.

May 5, 2021: The IRS issued a news release announcing an eighth round of Economic Impact Payments consisting of more than 1.1 million payments totaling more than $2 billion, bringing the total amount of disbursements under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) to approximately 164 million payments worth approximately $386 billion.

May 5, 2021: The IRS issued a news release announcing the development of Projected Contract Award Date, a web app designed to increase efficiency in procurement by using statistical models to forecast the date on which contracts will be awarded.

May 6, 2021: The IRS issued Notice 2021-29, announcing that the reference price under section 45K(d)(2)(C) of the Code, which is relevant for certain Code sections regarding oil and gas production, is $37.07 for calendar year 2020.

May 6, 2021: The IRS issued Notice 2021-30, announcing that the applicable percentage under section 613A of the Code, which is used to determine percentage depletion for oil and gas produced from marginal properties, is 15% for calendar year 2021.

May 6, 2021: The IRS issued a news release reminding calendar-year tax-exempt organizations that annual Form 990 information returns and certain other filings are due on May 17, 2021.

May 7, 2021: The IRS released its weekly list of written determinations (e.g., Private Letter Rulings, Technical Advice Memorandums and Chief Counsel Advice).

Special thanks to Le Chen in our Washington, DC, office for this week’s roundup.

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Natural Disasters and Tax Law

Following up on our pro bono post last week, we wanted to highlight a recent article in the ABA Tax Times regarding tax impacts of natural disasters. The article discusses resources available to taxpayers and volunteers dealing with the after-effects of a natural disaster and emphasizes the need for tax assistance long-after the natural disaster occurs. If you have a few moments and/or are interested in ways you might be able to help, please take a quick look.

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