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Weekly IRS Roundup July 8 – July 12, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of July 8, 2024 – July 12, 2024.

July 8, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-28, which includes, among other things:

  • Announcement 2024-28, which revokes the Internal Revenue Code (Code) 501(c)(3) determination for specified organizations and stipulates that contributions made to said organizations by individual donors are no longer deductible under Code § 170(b)(1)(A).

July 9, 2024: The IRS warned tax professionals about new and evolving scams targeting business and taxpayer information where identity thieves pose as new clients, use phishing emails and employ elaborate schemes involving calls and texts.

July 10, 2024: The IRS issued general guidelines for the registration process for the Code § 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit, as outlined in Notice 2024-29. These guidelines cover the application process and how claim procedures will operate when the clean fuel producer is a disregarded entity.

July 11, 2024: The IRS announced it has collected more than $1 billion in past-due taxes from high-net-worth individuals and will continue to monitor activities involving large corporations and partnerships and aircraft use.

July 11, 2024: The IRS warned car dealers and sellers about evolving phishing and smishing scams involving fraudulent attempts to trick recipients into clicking suspicious links, providing personal information or downloading malware. Dealerships are advised to remain vigilant and avoid unsolicited messages or links in emails and texts.

July 12, 2024: The IRS released its weekly list of written determinations (e.g., Private Letter Rulings, Technical Advice Memorandums and Chief Counsel Advice).

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Weekly IRS Roundup July 1 – July 5, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of July 1, 2024 – July 5, 2024.

July 1, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-27, which includes the following:

  • Notice 2024-52, which provides the applicable reference price and the credit amount used for determining the Marginal Well Production Credit under 45I of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) for qualified natural gas production from qualified marginal wells for tax years beginning in calendar year 2024.
  • Announcement 2024-27, which revokes the Code § 501(c)(3) determination for specified organizations and stipulates that contributions made to said organizations by individual donors are no longer deductible under Code § 170(b)(1)(A).

July 1, 2024: The IRS reminded homeowners who make energy-efficient improvements to their homes that they may qualify for home energy tax credits, such as the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit and the Residential Clean Energy Credit, to offset the costs of making such improvements. Qualifying taxpayers should file Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits, with their tax return.

July 2, 2024: The IRS launched the Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself campaign to help tax professionals guard against tax-related identity theft. This initiative aims to raise awareness about security threats and provide guidance for maintaining strong security in a series of eight news releases coinciding with the IRS Nationwide Tax Forum, which features webinars to educate tax professionals on security-related topics.

July 2, 2024: The IRS released Revenue Procedure 2024-30, which modifies Revenue Procedure 2024-23 to provide procedures under Code § 446 for obtaining automatic consent to change accounting methods to the Allowance Charge-off Method described in proposed Treasury Regulation § 1.166-2. This method determines when a debt instrument held by a regulated financial company is conclusively presumed to be worthless for purposes of the bad debt rules under Code § 166.

July 3, 2024: The IRS reminded individuals and businesses in parts of Alaska, Maine and Rhode Island affected by disaster declarations that their 2023 federal income tax returns and tax payments are due on July 15, 2024.

July 3, 2024: The IRS warned about a new scam involving tax return preparers misrepresenting the rules for claiming clean energy credits that taxpayers cannot ultimately benefit from and leading to potential compliance actions and repayment obligations.

July 5, 2024: The IRS released its weekly list of written determinations (e.g., Private Letter Rulings, Technical Advice Memorandums and Chief Counsel Advice).

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Weekly IRS Roundup May 6 – May 10, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of May 6, 2024 – May 10, 2024.

May 6, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-19, which includes the following:

  • Revenue Ruling 2024-09, which provides the May 2024 applicable federal rates.
  • Notice 2024-35, which provides guidance related to certain specified required minimum distributions for certain stock bonus, pension and profit-sharing plans described in Internal Revenue Code (Code) § 401(a). The notice also announces that the IRS intends to issue related final regulations that will apply for calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2025.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-20, which provides the domestic asset and liability percentages and domestic investment yields needed by foreign life insurance companies, foreign property and liability insurance companies to compute their minimum effectively connected net investment income under Code § 842(b). The revenue procedure also provides instructions for computing foreign insurance companies’ estimated tax liabilities.
  • Treasury Decision 9990, which amends the definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance for purposes of exclusion from the definition of “individual health insurance coverage” under the Public Health Service Act and provides regulations regarding requirements for hospital indemnity or other fixed indemnity insurance to be considered an excepted benefit in the group and individual health insurance markets.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-21, which provides issuers of qualified mortgage bonds (as defined in § 143(a)) and issuers of mortgage credit certificates (as defined in § 25(c)) with the nationwide average purchase price for residences located in the United States and the average area purchase price safe harbors for residences located in statistical areas in each state, the District of Columbia and US territories.
  • Announcement 2024-20, which revokes the § 501(c)(3) determination for specified organizations and stipulates that contributions made to said organizations by individual donors are no longer deductible under Code § 170(b)(1)(A).

May 6, 2024: The IRS recognized two of its teams that reached the finals for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals as part of the 2024 Public Service Recognition Week. These teams included the Paperless Processing Initiative Team for its efforts to digitize IRS correspondence and two CI special agents for spearheading an investigation that led to a $3.4 billion cryptocurrency seizure and forfeiture.

May 6, 2024: The IRS reminded one million taxpayers who did not file their 2020 tax returns that they may still be eligible for a refund if they file by the May 17, 2024, deadline. The IRS estimates that more than $1 billion in refunds remain unclaimed as a result.

May 6, 2024: The IRS provided general tips for taxpayers upon receipt of mail from the IRS. In particular, taxpayers should remember to carefully read all IRS letters, save copies for their records and timely dispute notices where applicable.

May 6, 2024: The IRS
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Weekly IRS Roundup April 29 – May 3, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of April 29, 2024 – May 3, 2024.

April 29, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-18, which includes the following:

  • Notice 2024-33, which provides a limited waiver of the addition to tax under Section 6655 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to the extent the addition to tax would be attributable to an underpayment of estimated corporate alternative minimum tax under Section 55 due April 15, 2024.
  • Notice 2024-34, which provides guidance on the corporate bond monthly yield curve, the corresponding spot segment rates used under Section 417(e)(3) of the Code, the 24-month average segment rates under Section 430(h)(2), the interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities under Section 417(e)(3)(A)(ii)(II) as in effect for plan years beginning before 2008, and the 30-year Treasury weighted average rate under Section 431(c)(6)(E)(ii)(I).

April 29, 2024: The IRS issued Notice 2024-36, which provides guidance on the procedures for allocating credits under Section 48C and announces a second round of credits under Section 48C(e) for participation in the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit program.

April 29, 2024: The IRS reminded small businesses to take advantage of the many tax resources available to them through the Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center on

April 30, 2024: The IRS announced that it is accepting applications for Tax Counseling for the Elderly and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance grants, which allows eligible organizations to apply for annual funding to provide free federal tax return preparation assistance for up to three years.

April 30, 2024: The IRS issued Notice 2024-37, which provides additional guidance and safe harbors regarding sustainable aviation fuel credits under Sections 40B and 6426(k) of the Code.

May 1, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers and tax professionals about common scams and schemes, including online account help from third-party scammers, phishing, unscrupulous tax return preparers, offer in compromise mills and employee retention credit scams.

May 1, 2024: The IRS encouraged entrepreneurs to put data security safeguards in place to protect their financial, personal and employee information from scams and cybercriminals.

May 1, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that it provides relief when an emergency measures declaration is issued, supplementing governmental efforts to provide emergency services. The IRS also provides relief when a major disaster declaration offering “individual assistance” is issued, which allows individuals and households to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for financial and direct services.

May 1, 2024: The IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2024-24, which outlines procedures for requesting private letter rulings involving “spin-off” transactions subject to Section 355. Notice 2024-38, issued in conjunction with Revenue Procedure 2024-24, requests feedback on these procedures.

May 1, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers to [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup April 22 – April 26, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of April 22, 2024 – April 26, 2024.

April 22, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-17, which includes the following:

  • Proposed regulations, which would facilitate the transfer of tax return information to the US Census Bureau and permit the disclosure of additional tax return information to the US Secretary of Commerce.
  • Announcement 2024-19, which provides guidance on the federal income tax treatment for amounts paid toward the purchase of energy efficient property and improvements under the US Department of Energy’s Home Energy Rebates program pursuant to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

April 22, 2024: The IRS encouraged tax professionals to register for the 2024 IRS Nationwide Tax Forum, which is coming to Chicago, Orlando, Baltimore, Dallas and San Diego this summer.

April 23, 2024: The IRS announced that it will accept applications for Low Income Taxpayer Clinic matching grants until June 12, 2024. Funding and performance of these grants will occur from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025.

April 23, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that it offers resources to help those who may be unable to pay their tax bill in total and that payments are still due by the April 15 deadline, even if a taxpayer requested an extension to file a tax return.

April 24, 2024: The IRS announced the formation of a new Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Management Office, which will collaborate with the IRS Business Operating Divisions to help taxpayers resolve tax disputes earlier and more efficiently.

April 24, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers to consider applying for an offer in compromise, which settles a tax debt for less than the full amount owed, if they cannot pay their full tax debt or if paying would cause financial hardship.

April 25, 2024: The IRS issued final regulations on the transfer of the eligible manufacturing investment, clean energy investment and production tax credits, including specific rules for partnerships and S corporations.

April 25, 2024: The IRS advised taxpayers that they can file an amended federal tax return if they discover a math error, missing income or another mistake.

April 25, 2024: The IRS announced that it will create new, fully electronic processes and systems, update legacy systems, and improve compliance and fraud mitigation.

April 26, 2024: The IRS announced the closure of the Direct File pilot, with several hundred thousand taxpayers across 12 states signing up for Direct File accounts and more than 140,000 taxpayers filing their federal tax returns using the new service.

April 26, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that they have the right to a fair and just tax system under the
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Weekly IRS Roundup March 4 – March 8, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of March 4, 2024 – March 8, 2024.

March 4, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-10, which includes the following:

  • Revenue Ruling 2024-6, which provides that the overpayment interest rate under § 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2024, will be 8% (7% in the case of a corporation), the underpayment interest rate will be 8% and the interest rate for large corporate underpayments will be 10%. The rate of interest paid on the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will be 5.5%.
  • Notice 2024-24, which provides updates on the corporate bond monthly yield curve and corresponding spot segment rates for January 2024 used under Code § 417(e)(3)(D), the 24-month average segment rates applicable for February 2024, and the 30-year Treasury rates, as reflected by the application of § 430(h)(2)(C)(iv).
  • Announcement 2024-13, which revokes § 501(c)(3) determinations for certain organization(s) and stipulates that contributions made to the organization(s) by individual donors are no longer deductible under § 170(b)(1)(A).
  • Revenue Ruling 2024-04, which provides the March 2024 applicable federal rates.

March 4, 2024: The IRS announced that registration for its 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum is now open, providing tax professionals the opportunity to attend special continuing education sessions in five cities across the nation.

March 4, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that the legal deadline for claiming the Recovery Rebate Credit in 2020 is May 17, 2024. The deadline for claiming the Recovery Rebate Credit in 2021 will be April 15, 2025.

March 5, 2024: The IRS issued final regulations, providing that certain tax-exempt organizations and political entities that earn certain clean energy credits can choose to make an elective payment election. Such an election results in the credits being treated as payments against the electing entity’s federal income tax liabilities with the IRS refunding any excess value. Notice 2024-27, in turn, requests additional comments on situations in which an elective payment election should be permitted with respect to credits purchased in a transfer for which an election under § 6418(a) is made.

March 6, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that they are generally required to report all earned income on their tax returns, including income earned from digital asset transactions, the gig economy and the service industry as well as income from foreign sources.

March 6, 2024: The IRS released a statement acknowledging concerns related to a proposed policy change from January 2 that would limit access to tax return information from the IRS to protect taxpayer confidentiality. In response to comments, the IRS has suspended any changes under the proposed policy.

March 6, 2024: The IRS announced that Margie Rollinson took the oath [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup February 26 – March 1, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 26, 2024 – March 1, 2024.

February 26, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-9, which includes the following:

  • Announcement 2024-11, which shares recent disciplinary sanctions involving lawyers, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries, enrolled retirement plan agents and appraisers.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-12, which extends the time for providing certain seller reports for vehicle sales that qualify for the clean vehicle credit or the previously owned clean vehicle credit under Internal Revenue Code (Code) §§ 30D and 25E, respectfully.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-13, which provides two tables of limitations on depreciation deductions for owners of passenger automobiles placed in service during calendar year 2024 and a table of dollar amounts that must be used to determine income inclusions by passenger automobile lessees with a lease term beginning in calendar year 2024.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-14, which provides indexing adjustments for applicable dollar amounts under Code § 4980H(c)(1) and (b)(1). These indexed amounts are used to calculate the employer shared responsibility payments under § 4980H(a) and (b)(1), respectively.

February 26, 2024: The IRS announced that it will accept supplemental applications from all qualified organizations for Low Income Taxpayer Clinic matching grants from February 26 to April 10.

February 26, 2024: The IRS provided businesses, tax professionals and others who want to learn more about resolving incorrect Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims a free webinar about the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program and other IRS efforts to help taxpayers who may have been misled by aggressive marketing and misinformation around ERC eligibility.

February 27, 2024: The IRS announced that individuals and businesses in parts of California affected by severe storms and flooding that began on January 21, 2024, now have until June 17, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.

February 27, 2024: The IRS announced that two private sector experts with extensive experience in the tax and cryptocurrency industries have been hired as executive advisors to help the agency’s efforts within the digital assets space.

February 27, 2024: The IRS released Notice 2024-26, which provides that withholding agents (both US and foreign persons) are administratively exempt from the requirements to electronically file Forms 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, that are required to be filed in calendar year 2024. Additionally, withholding agents that are foreign persons are administratively exempt from the requirements to electronically file Forms 1042 that are required to be filed in calendar year 2025.

February 28, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that recent improvements to Where’s My Refund? provide more information and remains the best way to check the status of a refund, including information regarding IRS confirmation [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup February 19 – February 23, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 19, 2024 – February 23, 2024.

February 20, 2024: The IRS published Announcement 2024-12, which revokes tax-exempt status for the Chicago Cannabis Alliance and Keeping My Kids Inc.

February 20, 2024: The IRS reminded farmers and fishers who chose to forgo making estimated tax payments by January that they must generally file their 2023 federal income tax return and pay all taxes by March 1, 2024, to avoid estimated tax penalties.

February 20, 2024: The IRS reminded businesses to review their Employee Retention Credit eligibility because there’s limited time to voluntarily resolve incorrect claims and avoid issues, such as penalties and interest.

February 21, 2024: The IRS announced plans to begin dozens of audits on business aircraft involving personal use, focusing specifically on aircraft usage by large corporations, large partnerships and high-income taxpayers.

February 21, 2024: The IRS announced that interest rates for overpayments and underpayments will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2024. Interest rates are provided in Revenue Ruling 2024-6.

February 21, 2024: The IRS reminded military personnel that they have several options to file their federal tax returns for free, including the US Department of Defense’s MilTax and the IRS Free File program.

February 21, 2024: The IRS announced the beginning of its 2024 Tax Time Guide series, which provides new and updated resources to help taxpayers file an accurate tax return.

February 22, 2024: The IRS warned tax professionals about a recurring scheme in which scammers pose as tax software providers and email tax professionals with requests to provide Electronic Filing Identification Number information via fax.

February 22, 2024: The IRS announced that applications for the 2025 Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) are now being accepted to fill vacancies in 29 states and territories. TAP submits recommendations to the IRS to help improve satisfaction with IRS services, products and procedures.

February 23, 2024: The IRS announced that the replacement of lead service lines under various governmental programs do not result in income to the residential property owners under Internal Revenue Code § 61.

February 23, 2024: The IRS issued frequently asked questions related to the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Discrimination Financial Assistance Program, which provides financial assistance to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners who experienced discrimination by the USDA in farm lending prior to 2021.

February 23, 2024: The IRS released its weekly list of written determinations (e.g., Private Letter Rulings, Technical Advice Memorandums and Chief Counsel Advice).

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Weekly IRS Roundup February 12 – February 16, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 12, 2024 – February 16, 2024.

February 12, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-7, which includes the following:

  • Revenue Ruling 2024-5, which provides that if one or more of a state’s allocations of housing credit dollar amounts under § 305 of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 to qualified disaster zones in 2021 or 2022 are returned after 2022, then the returned housing credit dollar amounts are not restricted to projects located in qualified disaster zones.
  • Announcement 2024-7, which corrects Revenue Procedure 2024-5 by providing initially omitted effective dates for changes to the user fees that apply to certain requests for advance approvals.
  • Announcement 2024-8, which revokes tax-exempt status for the Altruistic United Humanity Association.
  • Announcement 2024-9, which revokes tax-exempt status for the West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club Inc.
  • Notice 2024-20, which advises that forthcoming proposed regulations will set forth (i) requirements for qualifying as an eligible census tract for purposes of the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit under § 30C of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) and (ii) guidance as to how taxpayers can verify that property satisfies the geographic requirements of Code § 30C.
  • Notice 2024-23, which provides special relief under Code § 529 for certain rollovers to or from Maryland Prepaid College Trust (MPCT) accounts. Due to accounting discrepancies and administrative issues, access to MPCT interest earnings was frozen in April 2022 and restored July 2023. Due to the freeze, many taxpayers executed a qualified rollover out of MPCT accounts. Notice 2024-23 permits taxpayers to transfer funds back into an MPCT account in a qualified rollover even though the transfer of funds out of the MPCT account may have occurred within the past 12 months.

February 12, 2024: The IRS announced that Jim Lee, chief of IRS Criminal Investigation, will retire effective April 6, 2024.

February 12, 2024: The IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2024-14, which provides indexing adjustments for applicable dollar amounts used to calculate the employer shared responsibility payments under § 4980H(a) and (b)(1) of the Code.

February 12, 2024: The IRS reminded senior taxpayers of free tax filing options, including the programs Tax Counseling for the Elderly, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and IRS Free File.

February 13, 2024: The IRS highlighted seven suspicious signs that an Employee Retention Credit claim may be questionable and could signal future IRS problems to help small businesses that may need to resolve incorrect claims.

February 13, 2024: The IRS alerted tax professionals to watch out for a “new client” scam, which is an email scheme (in which cybercriminals pose as potential clients) that peaks during the busy tax filing season.


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