Caroline H. Ngo

Caroline H. Ngo is co-leader of the Firm’s International Tax Affinity Group and is based in Washington, DC. She advises publicly traded companies on international tax planning, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, application of bilateral income tax treaties, and other international tax matters. Since the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), a substantial portion of Caroline’s practice has been advising clients on the new international tax provisions, including the new foreign tax credit regime (including expense apportionment), the GILTI regime, the participation exemption under section 245A, the BEAT, and the transition tax under section 965. Caroline recently served as lead counsel in a significant litigation in the US Tax Court, and her team secured a complete victory for the client. Read Caroline Ngo's full bio.
IRS Releases Memorandum Regarding Advance Payments of Section 367(d) Inclusions
By Elizabeth C. Lu, Caroline H. Ngo, Michael J. Wilder and Lowell D. Yoder on Oct 19, 2022
Posted In IRS Guidance
On September 23, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a memorandum (AM 2022-003) concluding that taxpayers cannot make advance payments of section 367(d) inclusions except in the limited situation in which the US transferor receives boot in connection with the initial transfer of intangible property (IP) to a foreign corporation. The memorandum is relevant...
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